Monday, 16 June 2014

Necromunda Campaign Blog - Hive Hythe

After many years of economic stagnation brought about by too many charity shops and estate agents, Hythe was built over entirely by what was dubbed New Hythe (original ehy?) unfortunately the great councils and the various warring factions within it still couldn't get things right, and over the years, successive ‘New Hythe’s’ have been built, each one towering on top of the last with silly new names such as ‘Hithe’.
Ground zero is now a wasteland under a vast and towering structure that dominates the waterside, mutant solicitors and gangs of estate agents long lost and forgotten of their original purpose roam this dark, dank world.
That is the world you find yourself in now. Hive Hythe.

Hex based map campaign.
Regular NCE (Necromunda Community Edition) rules are in force. As usual, players start with 5 territories; The winner is the first player to accrue 10 territories. Short and sweet.
Each player will have a ‘campaign’ turn, in which they can choose to capture, raid of raze a territory. The players will then conduct a scenario (randomly chosen as per usual) using the scenario generator in the rulebook..
Capture: The player’s gang now controls that territory (and any perks that come with it)
Raid: The player doesn’t capture the territory, but instead gains 2x the cred value of the territory
Raze: The player doesn’t capture the territory, but instead the controlling player must 'work' that territory twice before it starts providing income again
Players can attempt to Capture any tile adjacent to one they already own or they may attempt to Raid or Raze a tile anywhere else on the board. If a player wishes to take control of an uncontrolled hex, then they may either take it ‘without question’, or if it is adjacent to an enemy territory then on a D6 roll of a 5+ the enemy gang gets intel that the territory is about to be captured, in which case they can ellect to try and deny the capture.
If an enemy gang attempts to defend against the capture and that 'defending' gang wins, they don't control the territory, though they may claim the territories reward.
How do we know what the territories are…?
So the map looks like this, The dark grey are the players territories, and the lighter grey is the area up for grabs - with the black marking the edge of the campaign map.

Each player’s five territories will be decided as usual, using the D66 table found in the NCE rulebook, the players need to give these territories are then given a number from 1-5. 
Players will then be randomly assigned one of the four blocks of starting territories above. The number they earlier assigned to their territories earlier on will determine what sort of territory each hex is. 
The ‘unassigned’ hexes on the map have their own numbers assigned to them too, and before the players see the campaign map, and before they are assigned to their territories, we'll be deciding what each territory is. 

Hopefully the end result is a very random campaign map, that doesn't allow any one player to create an advantage over any other - the only way that can happen is by chance during the assignment of territories. 

Do you wanna be in my gang?

So, if you hadn't guessed it so far, there are four of us taking part. we're using the Necromunda Community Edition Rules (from Yaktribe - an excellent necromunda community website with an amazing gang and campaign tracker)

The rules are based of of the underhive rules, but they clarify and iron out some of the kinks from that ruleset which should hopefully lead to a more relaxing experience when playing!

The gangs are as follows;

Iron Fists - Orlock gang - A balanced gang that with a mix of close combat and ranged support gangers (a catachan orlock gang)

The Crimson Reavers - Cawdor Gang - Looking to cause some damage early on, it includes a multi melter and gangers with bludgeons for that St4 hit. (made using the chaos cultists)

The Toxic Avengers - Orlock Gang - All out fire power with some CC support, the gang includes two Heavy Stubbers

No pictures of these guys yet, so here's some home made terrain

The Warbangers - Goliath Gang - An all (bar the heavies) shotgun gang taking a mix of manstopper and hot shot rounds. they're also very CC orientated with lots of bludgeons and swords. oh and skulls.. each ganger had to have a skull added apparently..

In the next blog post, we'll have our first after action report!

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