Wednesday, 16 January 2013

It's been a while

Well.. it's been a long while since we last updated this 'regular blog'..

There's been lots going on, including real life, but things are moving along at a nice pace, albeit a touch slower than we had orignally intended. But I think both Ben and Ian would agree that is for the better, we've got a couple of products that we really want to get right, so we intend to make sure that happens. 

We won't be making PAW like we'd hoped and Salute (for now at least) is a little out of our reach, so we're looking at events a little later in the year to really hit these things home and make our mark on this ever hectic wargaming scene!

Chronicles of War is our main focus at the moment, the draft rules are 99% completed now and we've done quite a bit of play testing so far. As such we'll soon be moving on to compiling it all into what we all know as a rulebook putting in pretty pictures and have it all well formatted! Afterwhich I imagine we'll be switching our attention back on Engage! to get that back up and running! 

If there's one thing I've found out whilst writing these rules is that when playing test games we keep finding more and more scenarios that need to be defined in the rules or have rules written for. That elusive 100% complete rulebook is ever just around the corner. I suppose that eventually you have to find a compromise where you stop writing - 'Too many cooks spoil the broth' as they say.

In other news; It's a little too early to say too much at the moment, but we're in preliminary talks with a miniatures company to possible supply models for our games. It's quite exciting to think that this early into our rules writing careers that we might be able to organise a collaboration like this, so fingers crossed! If it all pans out we'll keep you posted! 

I'll post again next week, hopefully with a few sneak peaks of a couple of rules/scenarios from our Chronicles of War game. 
In the mean time, head on over to tinyminipeople - Ben's blog to see a review on some of the new Khurasan moderns. 

Craig @ RWG.

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