Thursday, 25 April 2013

Post Salute

Well, on Saturday we went up to London for Salute (in a visitors capacity) and had a very good day.. though we (well, I) might have spent a bit too much.

It was really busy this year.. much more so than I remember it being the last couple of years, so hopefully thats a good sign of the times and means that our hobby is doing well. I really think advances in technology have helped this, there was lots of MDF modular terrain using these new laser cutting techniques, 3D printing and Kickstarters and crowdsourced games all over the place - I think this last one has had the biggest impact on the gaming community ensuring that companies don't need to source their funds up front is a major boon to the smaller companies with tight margins.

Salute proved a very good opportunity for us to engage (sorry shameless plug) with other companies in a more business capacity as well as look at all the good and bad points for all the stand present so we can really make the most of ours when we get to Valhalla.

So yeah, all is going well. We got through our draft copy of Engage, which has taught us a lot and also made us realise how tight the deadlines are before we pack up the car so the show.

Anyway, I leave you with a couple of images from Salute.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

An updated website and a show!


There's some progress on all fronts! 

We're getting ready to send a draft version of the Engage rulebook off to the printers to see what the end product might look like! 

We're also now officially confirmed vendors at the Farnborough Wargames Societies 'Valhalla 2013' show, it's on the 16th July. So if you're about/around that area and fancy coming along then please do. It'll be our first show, so someone who knows of us in advance would be excellent. 

We'll be there with our Engage and Seasons of War rulebooks! and running two small demo boards for each of the games to take people through the game mechanics. There's lots of other vendors about too as well as participation games, so head on down (for £2.50 you can't argue!)

Also, we'll be offering a free electronic copy of the rules to anyone who buys one of our physical rulebooks! Can't say fairer than that!

As for our other news, we've revamped our website! It's in HTML5 format now, so perfect for all you Apple users, but more than that, it's much cleaner, crisper and easier to use. We've also reformatted and rejigged our Mobile site so that you can find what need super quick without using up all your data limit.

So go check it out now!